About Me

My name is Rachel and I'm a nineteen year old college student. My biggest wish is to write a book that gets published. I spend a lot of time making lists and cleaning. I wear a size four shoe. I can usually be found drinking coffee and surrounded by a large pile of books in my school's library.

You know how someone who's really outgoing is always surrounded by tons of people and he or she has a lot of friends? Well, imagine one of those outgoing people right now, except instead of surrounding her with lots of people, surround her with books. That's me. My best friends right now are a book of contemporary poetry, the seventh Harry Potter novel, a collection of Dickinson, and C.S. Lewis's The Weight of Glory.

I guess I should flat-out tell you that I'm kind of a strange bird (if you hadn't already figured it out!). I spend a lot of time in museums and libraries and other places that don't necessarily meet the status quo. And it's not because I fall into some sort of coffee-drinking, art gallery-attending, strange music-loving, hipster category. I just really like books and art.

I'm a Christian, but honestly, I do the whole religion thing a little differently than most people. I don't know that I would really fall into any category or denomination, so I can't really classify myself as anything. These things I do know for sure though: I love GOD, He loves me, and He is a constant presence in my life.

I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. My e-mail is writerachelizabeth@gmail.com

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