Monday, July 2, 2012

Some Nostalgia...

Tonight I was looking through some pictures and I came across this one:

Sam, Me, Abigail, and Bekah

This is me with my three best friends from when I was in high school. The four of us had the type of friendship where we all were in tune with each other - metaphorically, and literally. We used to just sit around a piano and I would play it and we would all sing random stuff...usually hymns or something by the Barlow sisters, but every now and then we'd write stuff of our own to sing. I still have the one song we actually completed memorized by heart.

We didn't really start off as friends. In fact, the beginning of our friendship was so rocky that my senior year of high school I chose to write my memoir (and eventually a short children's book) about how the four of us met and didn't get along at first. In the memoir I said that we all bonded over playing a card game together, but I have an embarrassing confession: the truth is that we really bonded because one day when we were at youth camp one of them told a joke and I laughed so hard I peed my pants in front of the three of them. And they each swore a solemn oath that they would never tell. And then they helped me sneak back into our dorm so that I could change clothes.

I still laugh thinking about it...

None of us went to the same school so all throughout high school many of my weekends were devoted to, "the girls" as everyone called us. Or at least that's how my parents referred to them. And how their parents referred to the rest of us.

I was always the one to come up with bad ideas, Abigail was always the one to help me carry out my bad ideas, Bekah was always the one to tell us the idea was bad, and Sam was always the one to clean up after the idea blew up in our faces.

The time that I fell on a treadmill at our youth leader's house and left a dent in the wall and a skid mark on the running part of the thing, Bekah and Sam weren't there. I think that situation might have ended a little differently if they had been. Instead, good old Ab was with me to cheer me on as I turned it on high speed and tried to run my hardest...

Although one time Ab and I converted Sam to the dark side. This was at my fourteenth birthday party, when we got her to sneak out of my house with us so that we could play a prank on all of the other girls at two in the morning. I got in trouble for that one...

We had a sisterhood...funny nicknames for each other...we made up funny futures with husbands for each other...the works when it comes to girlhood. 

And then one by one we each finished high school. We each went our separate ways and started to do our own things. We all made new friends. We just...grew apart. We still get together about once or twice a year, but it's not really the same.

Anyways, those are my thoughts tonight.

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