Saturday, April 7, 2012

Confusion Abounds

So I'm at the parentals' house and I forgot my computer at I can't post my drawings right now. But don't worry, I'll have four for you guys when I get back to school.

In the meantime...I have some Easter-ish thoughts. Kind of.

I've been thinking a lot lately about contradictions. Or at least, things that seem contradictory.

Here are some of the main ones I've been chewing on mentally:
  1. The whole "first shall be last and last shall be first" concept. I guess I'd just never thought about how illogical it is that "the meek shall inherit the earth." But at the same time, it's not illogical. The people who really really really desire power don't deserve it. Because they want power as an end in itself. So it makes sense that someone who is humble would be better at holding power and authority.
  2. Vulnerability as a means to strength. This one is hard for me to grasp because I'm not a fan of vulnerability. It makes me cringe. It almost makes me feel sick to my stomach. And yet...if we're incapable of opening up to others then isn't that a weakness? So in fleeing weakness we become weak...hmmm...confusion abounds.
  3. Death as a means to life. Paul tells us that we must become a living sacrifice. Does anyone else not see the irony here? Sacrifices are usually dead or headed in that direction! But we're called to die in order to recieve life. And I'll be honest, on a microcosmic level I'm having trouble figuring out what that looks like. On the flipside of that, on a macrocosmic level I can just look to the cross. Christ died so that we might live. He wanted (and wants) us to have spiritual and physical life because of His sacrifice. So I guess maybe that helps us understand the whole living sacrifice concept. Kind of.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Most likely they make no sense because I've only had half a cup of coffee this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great questions to ponder my friend. Scripture definitely has areas where it defies the logic of our world and our brains. God bless you for your honesty again and I pray for clarity for you and for all of us.
