Sunday, April 29, 2012

Guh! I can't think of title.

Welp. I just finished my last project for the semester. I'm not a big cram-session studier, so finals week won't require too much effort so...I guess I'm kinda done. At least with the whole homework/essay/project end of things...

At the end of my fourth semester of college I think I can safely say that this might have been my craziest. Each of my semesters here have been unique and fun and strange and amazing and awful and busy all rolled into one, but I think of all of them I grew the most during this one. Maybe not in ways that are noticeable to anyone, but introspectively, I see it.

Tonight I sat down and for the first time in a while I found myself thinking ONLY about the things I wanted to without feeling guilt or worry about other things that needed to get thought about (or done). I love being in school and I love having stuff to do...but it's nice to finally sit down with a cup of a tea and a memoir and just...relax. It's also really nice to be able to roll over in my bed without knocking a bunch of books and papers onto the floor.

So anyways, back to the growth thing, which is the real direction I was headed in...

A couple days ago I was facebook stalking an old friend and I found a bunch of pictures of myself...and at first I didn't recognize me. And it was weird. Here was one of them:

And it made me think about how different things are now. Not just that I look differently, but how I differently. (Like my misuse of grammar for effect there?!?)

Something they don't teach you about growing up is that you don't just discover new places and new people and new discover different ways of being. I mean, I'm still the same old Rachel in some ways...I still can't do math to save my life, I'm still picky about food like nobody's business, and I still spend massive amounts of time in my bed...but at the same time, I am different.

I'm probably not doing my thoughts justice here, but I really need a cup of tea and your eyes probably need a break from my rambling so I'll just leave it at that. PS I have never in my life had trouble coming up with a title. Just saying. It's a fluke.

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