Friday, January 20, 2012

The Full-Fledged-Freaker-Outer

I am a full-fledged-freaker-outer. It doesn't matter the situation...if I think something is going to go wrong, I flip. My fantastic imagination is always right there, ready to supply me with images and thoughts about how everything that can go wrong, will go wrong...Murphy and I would have been good friends.

So today I was having a nice little flip out session in the car with my dad. He, of course, is the opposite of being a full-fledged-freaker-outer...he's always exuded calmness and another life he would have made a great yoga master.

And as I was sitting there ranting about the current situation that had me doing flips, my dad patiently listened for a bit, and then he told me to stop talking.

It was quiet for a second and then I inhaled to start ranting again, but before I could get anymore words out my dad said, "Why don't you just say the LORD's prayer, focus on what you gotta do, and then go from there?"

And I did it. Right then and there. And it made things a lot better.

I hope someday I'm as wise as my daddy is...


  1. Psalms 46:10; one of my favorite verses.

  2. I'm so with you on the freaking-out. This whole week was kinda like that, but focusing on the present and God does help a whole lot. =)
