Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Romance, Coffee, and Life

It's raining out, and I after my first class I decided that I needed a mocha. So now I'm back in my room, slightly soggy, sipping my mocha, and listening to Sarah McLachlan. I got kind of caught up in the romantic atmosphere of it all, so I decided to blog...

Lately I've been having these strange moments of clarity about myself. Not in any sort of big way, just in the small little ways that honestly I think are more important than the big ways.

I like coffee. I know this isn't anything new, but my overindulgence in this legal addictive stimulant has become more obvious to me lately. Coffee reminds me of home and Mumzy. It reminds me that even though I'm crazy busy and even though I don't understand the world (or GOD) the way I want to, that's okay. It reminds me that I'm loved (which I know sounds super weird...), and it reminds me that some things (like the taste of a mocha!) never change.

I've also been realizing that I like how I do life. I've always kind of had this strange relationship with myself because I've always felt like I myself am strange, and it's really hard to have a normal relationship with a strange person. But GOD has shown me that I'm not strange. I'm just different. And that's okay. And for the most part, it's even good.

Most importantly I've been realizing that I'm not where I should be...I hate admitting it, but I've gotten really lazy and un-pro-active. Especially when it comes to the LORD. Prayer and time in the WORD have been rare things lately...and I'm not a fan of how the lack of those things make me feel.

So anyways, I'm off to chapel...whoopee. On the bright side, while I'm sitting there ignoring the speaker I'll have time to read the Bible. Or on the even brighter side, maybe I'll actually like the speaker!

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