Thursday, February 2, 2012

I say 'so' a lot...

So my room is currently an inferno. It's killing me. So much so that I can't focus on the seventeen hours worth of homework and studying that I have. I put the fan in the window to try to pull in the lovely 60 degree winter air outside, so it sounds like a small truck is trying to rev its way into my room. Which is ironic because I live on the fourth floor. Some truck.

Also for some reason I had an off day today. It all started when the campus eating facility ruined my morning by serving lukewarm water in place of my favorite caffeinated beverage. Well...there was some coffee in there, I guess...although not enough to keep the liquid in my cup from looking strangely similar to milk.

So in Spanish all I could think about was how I NEEDED a cup of coffee. It was very distracting. So I concocted this marvelous plan that involved going downstairs to the library where there is a nice little coffee place. But guess what. They were out.

Someone almost threw herself on the floor.

Eventually I sucked it up and ran back to my room to make my own cup. And then I felt better. And then I ran to class. And I could focus and everything felt right with the world.

So that's my story of today. And I'm sticking to it.

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