Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Honeymoon

Let me just start out by saying that it's been one of those weeks where at the end of it you want to do something crazy like color your hair blonde, or bright red, or lilac, but you know that you'd hate yourself if you did so instead you start a new work out plan. So I'm a little sore.

I'm two weeks in to my hardest semester ever, and I'm already going a little stir is evidenced by my previous post. I know it seems like I have way too much time on my hands to the casual observer, but let me set the record straight...anything I've been posting on here or on facebook has been a sad attempt to procrastinate and/or seem like I actually have a life in the midst of all the stuff I need to get done. Although I guess posting something on facebook is really proof that you don't have a life because you're so cooped up that you only have time to talk to your online friends so I guess that little paradox kind of defeats my purpose...

So anyways...

A couple months ago I posted some stuff that talked about how I'm learning to view Christ from a marriage perspective...if you missed out on those you can catch up here and here. I guess you could say that the LORD has kind of been building on that perspective this past week.

You know how when you first start liking someone who likes you back and everything is wonderful and you always think nice things about that person and you want to buy them stuff and make them cookies and play with their hair and write them notes and...I could go on...

I call that the Honeymoon Stage of a relationship. Maybe you're dating, maybe you're not, all the same, you're just starting to know them and you like them a lot. And it's mutual.

I had a really nice Honeymoon Stage with GOD. And I've been thinking a lot about it this past week...

I don't know about you, but when I have any sort of Honeymoon Stage with a guy, pretty much any movie I watch, book I read, or song I sing will one day remind me of that male. So this week when I watched the new Jane Eyre, it made me think a lot about the LORD, because I read that book over and over when I was first getting to know Him.

Another thing that reminded me of Him was when in Spanish class this week I came across the verb 'llover', which means 'to rain.' This is super cheesy and sappy and weird, but when I first learned that verb, I taught myself to remember what it means by reminding myself that my Lover (the LORD) makes it rain to remind me that He loves me. (I've always really, really, really loved the rain.)

My favorite part about my Honeymoon Stage with GOD was how peacefully I always managed to sleep. It was such a nice feeling to literally and metaphorically rest in His love. And He blessed me with a fairly long time of honeymoonishness. He gave me several years that were free of doubts and full of trust in Him.

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