Monday, May 14, 2012

Conviction In the School Newspaper

About a week ago a guy from my school wrote an article about how he feels about the music department at our school. He called out the students and the staff for making fun of people, gossiping, and spreading malicious rumors. I, of course, had been in my own little world this whole time so I missed out on the ensuing battle of anger and retaliation. So when a friend told me about the article today, the Nosy Nelly that lives inside of me couldn't help herself from going on a quest to find a copy of the school newspaper.

Two buildings later...voila!

So I sat down to take in the juicy details because let's be brutally honest here...I worked in that building for a might have felt a teensy bit nice to hear them being called out.

But as I read I didn't feel the satisfaction I thought I would find there. I found...conviction.

For every hurtful thing that's ever been said to or about me I have probably said at least three. I mean, I'm really good at never saying anything mean to someone's face. I'm even better at saying atrocious things behind peoples' backs though.

And as I read that article I realized that it doesn't start with the music department changing it's ways. It doesn't start with the people around me becoming model citizens about whom I never have anything negative to say. It starts with me, because at the end of the day I am literally the only person I can control. The funny thing about words is that when you're around someone who only uses kind ones it's harder to use mean ones.

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