Saturday, December 24, 2011

I want to be the next Sherlock Holmes.

Lately I've been thinking about my purpose in life. But not on the big cosmic level that I've always associated with that line of thinking. My current thoughts are focused more on the micro-level.

I think that deep down everyone wants to change the world in some way. We all want to leave our mark. But we can't all be the next Mother Teresa. I always think of the movie, "The Incredibles," when the mom says, "Everyone is special, Dash." To which her son replies, "That's just another way of saying that no one is."

Mediocrity can be terribly overwhelming. How many people don't vote because they think that their one ballot won't really count?

I want to do something amazing that will change the world. I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes yesterday and when I left I was inspired with dreams of traveling to far places and outwhitting brilliant minds and stopping wars and beating up bad guys.

But the fact is, I'm no Sherlock. I'm not even a Watson. I'm just plain old me.

So today I was trying to reconcile all of this to myself. I can't shoot straight. I can't run very fast...or at all, if we're being realistic (When we ran the mile in my fitness class I threw up half-way front of the whole class.). There are no mysteries around for me to solve...and even if there were, would I recognize them?

So what can I do? How in the world am I to leave any sort of lasting mark on this ginormous world?

But today as I whipped up some cookie dough I realized something: I may not see it now, but I've been surrounded with opportunities to do amazing things. I can't remember where it is in the Bible and I'm in a hurry or else I would go look it up or google it (Ha! I'm too lazy for know it's bad!), but somewhere (thinking Ephesians...) Paul talks about how the LORD has prepared good works for us.

GOD has surrounded us with amazing chances to touch others' lives.

And maybe I feel like an old lady when I sit around making/baking things for other people, but I think that maybe those teensy tiny acts of service are my shot at being Sherlock. They're my chance to be a hero and make a difference.

And maybe I hate admitting when I'm wrong and in need of forgiveness. But maybe those times of humility are when I can see GOD the clearest. Maybe those times are when I see myself the clearest.

Maybe GOD gives us the little moments because He knows that we can't all be the next Mother Teresa. Maybe GOD doesn't want ten million Mother Teresas. Maybe He wants ten million people who do small, simple things to love and serve others and to love and serve Him.

That said, if I'm ever given the opportunity to travel the world at a breakneck pace all while puzzling through a plot to take over the world, I will not be passing it up.

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