Friday, December 23, 2011

Stuff I Currently Love

  1. Kelly Clarkson's new album - I sang my heart out to her music in middle school, and I find myself doing the same with her new stuff...I actually bought the album for my dad for Christmas (he's a die hard Kelly fan...not sure how that happened...), but somebody needed to preview it to make sure he would like it.
  2. Glitter Eye Liner - my suitemate bought me a tube for Christmas, and I have to confess that I'm addicted.
  3. Chai Tea - no explanation needed. It's amazing. End of story.
  4. C.S. Lewis - I'm afraid I might have fallen in love with a dead man...
  5. Bangs - I gave in and cut my bangs back again. I had every intention of growing them out, but then yesterday I stood in front of the mirror and realized how much I missed them. So I pulled out the scissors and the rest is history.
  6. Peanut Butter Cookies
  7. Books by Dan Brown - if you need an explanation, then go read one of his books and you'll understand.
  8. Crandberry Juice - somehow I've developed a serious addiction to this stuff...not sure where it came from though...
  9. The ten million projects I want to make on here.
  10. Cocoa Roasted Almonds

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