Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stranger Danger

A couple hours ago I went for a walk alone because I needed to clear my head. It wasn’t too late, but it had definitely been dark for a little while. I didn’t go anywhere sketchy or anything, but I was still on my guard...it was dark after all, and my dad is a big safety guy so I know all about ‘Stranger Danger’. So in order to scare off potential bad guys, I glared at everyone who so much as glanced at me with a passion that would have frightened off Charles Manson, and I sauntered around like I could kick off somebody’s face...even though I’m kind of short to be doing that. It also helped that I had a slight attitude problem for the duration of this walk...but don’t worry, I’ve had a couple cheeseburgers since then, and I’m feeling much more like my chipper self now!
Eventually I decided that I was done ambling aimlessly around campus and I headed back to my dorm. I had almost made it to the front door when I heard someone yell, “Hey you!” It was definitely one of those situations where I knew that the “Hey you!” was directed at me, and my first instinct was to turn around, but I was still in ‘Stranger Danger’ mode and that was screaming at me to run inside. So I compromised: I turned around and glared. This was not my brightest moment for two reasons: 1. If it really had been a bad guy, I would be dead in a ditch by now, because even my glowers aren’t quite strong enough to ward off the forces of evil...although I do try. 2. It was my suitemate yelling at me. Thankfully, she understands me, so I was able to explain the whole ‘Stranger Danger’ thing, and we got a good laugh out of it.
So now we’re back to the present, where I’m chugging coke and avoiding reading about ‘Poetry and Thought in Early China’. (I really do love my World Lit class, but Chinese Lit is just so...subjective.) So anyways, I was thinking about the whole ‘Stranger Danger’ thing and chuckling to myself, when I realized that sometimes I take on that mentality when there really is no danger. Not just when I take walks alone at night, but when I’m in an uncomfortable conversation or when I feel overwhelmed by a situation. Instead of dealing with what’s bothering me, I sit there and glare at it (metaphorically speaking of course). We all have our moments of brooding, and I have them down to an art form.
But that’s not what the LORD wants. Psalm 112:6-8 says, “For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.” When I get bad news or when something goes wrong, my gut reaction is to freak out and worry and brood and fret and obsess...for days. But that’s not GOD’s will. Bad news is bad...but that doesn’t mean that my life is over, and it doesn’t mean that there won’t ever be good news again, and it doesn’t mean that the LORD isn’t there for me anymore. My favorite Victor Huge quote is, “Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.” A friend wrote that down for me a few years ago, and I still have it, but it’s one of those things that I forget about until I really need it.
So anyways...I should really do my World Lit homework now...procrastination is bad kids. You should always do your homework on a day other than the one before it’s due.


  1. Where did you get your cheeseburgers?!

  2. Great post! It's so easy to go into "brood" mode. Stumbled across your blog and have enjoyed reading some of the posts!

    P.S. Chinese Lit? That really does sound... depressing.
