Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And then I realized I was in over my head.

I hate when things feel like they’re perfect and then they get ripped out from under me. That was biology class yesterday morning. For the past week, I’ve gone to class, taken notes, snickered at the teacher’s quirks...all the typical stuff that goes with a class. I thought, “ I can do this. It’s not a big deal at all. Just memorize the stuff, write it down on the test, and move on with life.” I felt really smart, and science-y.

Too bad that only worked for the first test (which I had this morning). Yesterday I realized that there’s going to be a lot more to it from now on than I am able to wrap my sad little English major brain around. See, with the first section, memorization worked. I made pretty little flash cards and nicely formatted outlines and everything ended up fine and dandy. But now we’re moving on to the bigger and better elements of biology. Whoopee.

I don’t get it. I just don’t. The best part is that I don’t understand because I’m trying so hard to understand. Today we had to put together this DNA puzzle thing. I spent a good ten minutes trying to compile some sort of elaborate protein/enzyme/whatever thing. Then the professor came over and pointed out that I only needed one piece: the one that was sitting unused in the box in front of me.

I almost climbed the wall in disbelief. I really need to learn how not to overanalyze stuff.

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