Saturday, June 25, 2011

My First Original Post Since Monday

I’m thinking it’s a good day for random thoughts. It’s raining and I’m just not into the idea of crawling out of bed quite yet...or ever again, for that matter. Let’s see...where to start...
My dog is sleeping on my lap. Puppy and I have a love-hate relationship. Kind of like my relationship with granola bars. It all depends on his current level of stupidity and whether or not he’s being cute. Right now he’s being cute and he’s sleeping so he couldn't possibly do anything obscenely dumb, so I like him. However, when he wakes up and decides to pee on my favorite shoes or steal my grilled cheese sandwich, he and I will not exactly be engaged in the bonds of love and friendship.

I did my best to keep myself out of that picture. I’m looking a little rough this morning because I didn’t sleep so well last night. Also, I got new glasses. I can’t decide if I look more like Sarah Palin or one of those nice little English teachers who write novels on their lunch breaks (which I’ll probably end up being in spite of my best efforts). pictures. I only need them to read, so you’ll only ever get the privilege of seeing the Sarah Palin/English teacher look on me if you walk in on me reading. Granted, I read a lot, so at some point (if you actually know me) you’ll probably get to see it.

(Warning: the following paragraph may contain blasphemy...or at least something that could make you angry or worried about me.) GOD and I are getting along again. I don’t know if that’s the best way to phrase it, but that’s how it is. Not that everything is perfect (believe me, it’s NOT), but it’s still nice to be friends with Him again. He’s good. However, I’m having this little dissonance thing going on with doctrine. Here’s the thing: I’m tired of it. Not that it doesn’t have its place, but I feel like it’s so easy to get caught up in rules and regulations and traditions and forget that the LORD loves us and wants us to in turn love Him and love others. I mean, Jesus did say that the greatest commandment is to love GOD and that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. I feel like that is really easy to lose sight of. And if you know me very well, you know that it’s weird for me to feel this way. I’ve been little miss rule follower since day one. I love rules. I cling to regulations and guidelines and all that jazz. But in Matthew fifteen, Jesus talks about how people get so caught up in traditions that they forget to devote their hearts and minds to the LORD. That description is me. I’ve spent my whole life clinging to rules in an attempt to save myself. But I can’t save myself. Which works out, because Christ already has.

I love these pens. (I'm not sure why you would bother to buy them on amazon though...)They never run out of ink. And when you write with them you feel like Thomas Jefferson or someone important from history writing down important things because the tip of it feels like how I would imagine writing with a feather pen would feel. I guess you would probably feel more like Timothy Matlack than Thomas Jefferson...

I’ve been listening to Paramore’s song, “That's What You Get” all morning. I feel like this song is a really good description of me. I’ve always thought of myself as a very logical and rational person, but lately I’ve been realizing just how ruled by emotion I am.
Speaking of Paramore, I really want to do my hair like this. As in, I'm seriously considering it. Not sure if I could pull off the color though...

1 comment:

  1. Rachel I've been struggling with the same things! Well, the part about God, not the part about Puppy.
