Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Need An Accidental Nap

Okay so it’s seven in the morning. I’ve been up since five thirty. It’s day two of my biology class (technically it’s the third day, because the first day was canceled). I’m tired. This is me being tired and trying desperately to keep myself awake while sitting in a coffee shop across the street from the campus because I really don’t want to accidentally sleep through class and I am definitely one of those people who accidentally falls asleep in random places.
I’m not feeling quite as pathetic as I look in that picture. I feel like I should apologize to you if you’re reading this, because this post is extremely selfish. The entire point of it is so that my mind will be occupied so that I won’t fall asleep, and I was too lazy to think of an actual topic even though I have a nice little sticky note listing blog prompts that is sitting right in front of me. I thought about blogging about those, but honestly, my mind isn’t working on all cylinders this morning and I need to preserve its resources for when I have to sit through class and lab in fifty minutes.

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