Sunday, July 17, 2011

To Sing a Lie...

A. W. Tozer said, "Christians don't tell lies they just go to church and sing them."

I heard this quote almost a year ago and the truth of it has constantly struck my heart since then. It had never occurred to me that when I just mindlessly sing along in church, or even when I sing a song to the LORD that contains things that I should believe, but don't, I make myself a liar and I mock GOD.

After I heard this, honestly I stopped singing during worship services for a few months because I felt like I needed to seriously consider why I bothered to sing if I wasn't going to focus on the LORD and seek to magnify Him through worship. This time was good for me because it taught me that it's really okay not to put on a show of worship if you're really not going to bother to fact, I think it's better to be honest and not pretend to be doing something you're not. On the flip side of that it also taught me a lesson in humility because I'm sure some people thought I was pretty strange just standing there with my mouth shut amidst a crowd of singing people.

At some point I gradually felt more comfortable worshipping in public as the LORD gave me the strength to focus on Him and be genuine in my praise of Him. I still have some Sundays where I don't sing though, because I would be a liar if I did. It's really hard to sing, "Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" when I (falsely) believe that trusting Him is stupid and scary. How can I sing, "He Has Made Me Glad" when I come to church with a bad and bitter attitude that I refuse to let go of?

Today was one of those Sundays for me. I'm really struggling with trusting the LORD right now and I just didn't really feel like singing, "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus."

But then we sang this song:

I sang along with this one...and I felt a little better afterwards...and GOD gave me a lot more strength to trust Him afterwards too.

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