Saturday, July 2, 2011

Definitely didn't plan on that happening...

It's been quite a day for me. For the past few weeks I've been busy/I haven't felt all that great, so I kind of let my room slip into disaster zone territory. This morning I woke up and couldn't take it anymore, which led to me deciding to drag myself out of bed, pull on an old pair of jeans, and pull my hair out of my face in preparation for a day of cleaning. And of course, I also decided to drag everything out of my closet and re-arrange all of its contents while I was at it...what is it with me and making things more complicated than necessary?

But now that I'm done, twelve hours later, I feel better. There's just something about laying in my bed with a cup of coffee with the knowledge that everything is where it's supposed to, that's what I had been doing for the past few minutes, when it led me to another thought...I was not always this way. At all.

I used to be messy. There, I said it. So much so, that one year for my birthday my aunt made me a card that said, "Happy Birthday, to the Queen of Clean...Hey, it's your birthday, we can pretend!" I'm amazed that my messiness didn't drive my father to the point of insanity. At one point he put all of my stuff in trash bags and would only let me have one trash bag full of stuff at a time, and I had to sort through that one before I could have another. We used to have quite the standoffs over my room...

It's funny, because people who knew me when I was messy don't really believe that I'm clean now. And people who know me now are probably really shocked if they're reading this. Ironically enough, I never, ever in a million years thought I would be as uptight about being clean as I've turned out to be.

This got me thinking about some other things about myself that I never thought would change that have.

A big one has been facebook. I didn't get a facebook until I was a senior in high school. I spent years swearing up and down that I would never get one because "They are a waste of time. " "There are much better things to do with my time than sit around online all the time." and my favorite, "They don't glorify GOD." Oh how arrogant I was...guess what my main mode of communication (other than real live, in person communication) happens to be now...

I also never thought I would like reading poetry. I used to dread poetry units in my English classes. World Lit. with Dr. Tappmeyer changed that for forever.

Last week I was in a weird mood so I put yogurt in my smoothie. And then I drank it. Granted, I couldn't taste it and I had to make myself not think about it being there, but I consumed the whole thing. And I liked it. Big step for a former yogurt hater.

There have been some not so fun changes too...I've watched a lot of my friendships change as I've changed. I've had some of my biggest dreams hacked to shreds because they weren't in line with the LORD's will. I've had my perspective on pretty much everything severely altered for the same reason. A year ago, I wrote my friend Sam a note (on facebook, ironically enough), and in it, I talked a little bit about change. I don't even remember the situation now, but what I said fits how I feel now, "Everyone changes. It's just hard when someone else is changing and you are not." At the time, I was the one who wasn't changing. I was the one struggling with watching someone I care about become something totally unfamiliar to me. Now I'm on the opposite end. And I'm realizing that it's just as hard to be the one changing while everyone else stays the same.


  1. Does this mean we can have yogurt in our room? ;)

  2. It's a definite possibility :)
