Sunday, October 2, 2011

Missing Some Stuff...

I'm feeling a little nostalgic today...

It all started when I un-subscribed to the College Board SAT e-mail question a day thing...I've gotten those e-mails for years. My mumzy signed me up for them so that I could practice for the test every day. Honestly, in all the years I've gotten those, I think I probably answered ten. And of course, after I actually took the SAT I just stopped looking at them and automatically hit delete. So today, I decided that seeing as I am now a sophmore in college, I should just un-subscribe to them. So I did it. And for some strange reason a little wave of sadness hit me.

Then I started thinking about my beloved Borders again...I got a message from Barnes and Noble the other day telling me that they were taking over my Borders account. For someone who still carries the little Borders card on her key ring, that message did not make my day. I miss that store. I spent so much time there, and honestly I think my heart will just break if they turn mine into a clothing store or some other such nonsense.

Then for some reason I started thinking about the mole that fell off of my face. It never came back. I find this seriously dissapointing because of the ten million moles on my body, my favorite one had to be the one to go.

There are some random people I've been missing lately too. Namely, my friend Steve from Korea. We had one of those strange friendships where you're really close when you go to the same school, but then when you live a million miles apart keeping up with each other doesn't seem as important. I mean, we still talk from time to time, but it's not the same (especially because I don't have to sit and decipher his accent anymore!).

So of course, after thinking about all of the little things and people and places that are no longer in my life, I made myself a cup of coffee (PS my addiction is back and it's alive and kicking...I'm back up to half a pot a day.), got a bowl of Marshmellow Mateys, got back in bed, and started blogging. Because coffee, food, and my bed can solve anything. Granted, it would be a lot better if Puppy were here...

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