Monday, August 15, 2011

Rainy Days and Such...

I have a playlist on my iPod entitled, "rainy days..." It's the only playlist that has become a permanent fixture (it's also the only one that has a title without capitalization). Other playlists come and go, but for some reason I've always held onto my rainy day playlist. Maybe it's because it's the perfect mixture of pseudo-sad/rainy-sounding music. Or maybe it's because I have a rule that I can only listen to it when it's raining so it hasn't had the chance to get worn out.

So I'm sitting in front of my computer listening to this playlist (because it's raining out) with wet hair that I'm too lazy to dry and a cup of hot chocolate that's starting to turn lukewarm, with a confession: I'm moping. Partially because of the weather, and partially because on Saturday I'm going back to school (which is exciting for the most part, but also bittersweet).

Anyways, I've been washing sweaters and pulling out boots in anticipation of Fall! Fall is my favorite season, and this year I'm more excited about it than usual. As is demonstrated by most of the clothing items here. (I love my pinterest!!!)

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