Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This sounds conceited, but I'm really not trying to be.

A couple days ago I had a conversation with someone about makeup. He asked why I (and the female population, in general) bother with it. He said he didn't see how it was necessary and that it just seemed like a waste of time and money to him.

I didn't even have to think about my answer: "I feel naked without it."

It's true. I don't know why, but if I don't wear makeup I feel like I'm not really ready for the day. If I go somewhere without it I feel like I'm telling the people around me that they weren't worth the effort for me to look presentable that day. Granted, I don't feel that way about a girl if I see her without makeup. It doesn't bother me whether or not a person is as concerned with their appearance as I am with my own.

And it's not even really a vanity thing for me, either. I equate putting on makeup with putting on shoes. It's not really all that necessary, but it's just another part of getting dressed and getting out the door.

So anyways, I was thinking about all of that and then it led me to another thought: why don't I treat my quiet times with GOD the same way? Why isn't it as difficult for me to walk out the door in the morning without having been in the Word as it is for me to leave my room without eyeliner? Why don't I feel naked when I'm not covering myself with Christ?

Anyways, these are my thoughts today...


  1. I have been reading your blogs for some reason today... and they are challenging. You are sharing your heart which is truest form of worship and all who read it are challenged by the testament of your life. So thank you.

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback. Honestly, it's really difficult for me to sit down and share my heart with people, but I feel like it's a big part of being genuine. I will admit to having more than a few very superficial posts though!
