Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten Things I Wish I'd Known a Year Ago

Lately I’ve been thinking about how different my life was a year ago. I had just finished high school in December, and I was beginning to adjust to the idea that in the near future I would be moving out of my parents’ house and going to college. I had just chopped all my hair off and I had decided that I was never going to grow it out again. I was preparing for one of my last performances on the piano, and I couldn’t wait to get it over with. I was also starting my first college class (college algebra...yuck). If I could go back to that time, there are a few things I would tell myself:
1. Long hair looks better than short under a baseball cap.
2. Don’t quit piano. One day you will have a job playing the piano and you will be sorry that you put your music away and stopped playing because then you will have to re-learn everything, which will suck.
3. When you disobey GOD, He curses you with insomnia.
4. The cure for insomnia is an extra pot of coffee and concealer.
5. It’s okay to miss class every now and then. Most professors won’t even notice.
6. Spend time with your brother. Someday you won’t be able to see him all the time and you’ll really miss him.
7. Sleep in when you get the chance.
8. It’s not worth going running every day. You’ll get lazy in six months and give up anyways.
9. Read all those books in that stack by your bed, because in the future when you go home, you will look at them with guilt because you won’t have time to read them.
10.    NOTHING IS GOING TO TURN OUT HOW YOU EXPECT IT TO. In fact, just learn to expect things to turn out exactly oppositely how you think they will turn out.

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