Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Things I Love About Wuthering Heights

7. My copy, which happens to be in five pieces, opens to my favorite part of the book; the last time Cathy and Heathcliff are together.

6. Hareton Earnshaw, the only male character in the entire book who is both interesting and good.

5. The way Joseph speaks. I have to read all of those parts out loud because Emily wrote the dialect very strangely.

4. Cathy’s perniciousness. No matter how crazy and hormonal I get, reading about how nuts Cathy is makes me feel really good about myself.

3. The way Cathy and Heathcliff love each other. Even when they can’t be together, they still feel that they are a part of each other.

2. The ending. I love that Cathy’s daughter Catherine and Hareton end up together. It makes the fact that Cathy and Heathcliff couldn’t be together a little bit better.

1. Heathcliff. Even though he’s a horrible person, the way he loves Cathy is amazing. They don’t just have a warm fuzzy love, they are a part of each other, and they even refuse to allow death to separate them. It’s extreme. It makes me happy.

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