Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Confession: I belong on the show 'Hoarders'.

Lately my mum and I have been watching the show, “Hoarders” together. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve strayed pretty far into neat-freak territory, so watching this show always seems to fill me with a strange mixture of anxiety and a desire to throw out everything in sight. So of course, for the past week I’ve been sorting out every single thing in my closet and dresser, under my bed and couch, and on my bookshelf. I don’t know how in the world I’ve accumulated so much stuff! I have thrown out five trashbags full of stuff and there are eight boxes sitting in my garage waiting to be sold and I'm still not done!

Here are some realizations I’ve had as a result of my extreme sorting:
1. I will never ever give a stuffed animal as a gift again.
2. I will never wear that pile of clothes that I have set aside in my closet for ‘just in case I might want or need them’.
3. Storing heavy stuff on the top shelf is stupid. It will fall on you.
4. There is no reason to have six curling irons when you only have two hands.
5. I will never in a million years be able to sew anything resembling clothing. Therefore, that huge box of patterns I’ve been using as a coffee table probably should find somewhere else to live.
6. I really and truly hoard books. I’ve gotten rid of ten. There are hundreds more overflowing off of my shelf and stacked on top of my dresser and TV. I refuse to part with them.

In conclusion, I think that you should come to my yard sale and buy all of my stuff at drop bottom discounted rates. Please.

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