Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Least Favorite Words

10. Skinny – I think this word is impolite. We have nice ways of saying a person is overweight, we should have nice ways of referring to a person who is slightly underweight, like thin.

9. Dumpster – this word just makes me feel gross.

8. Squat – another word that is just plain nasty.

7. Boyfriend – this one just makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel much better saying ‘significant other’ or just plain, ‘boy’.

6. Chalk – I always feel gritty when I hear or see or say this word.

5. Funk – every time I say this word someone mishears me and it’s embarrassing.

4. Halo/X-Box/Call of Duty/Playstation/any sort of video game reference – I hate them. When I hear one of those words come out of someone’s mouth I know to prepare for hours of sheer boredom. Unless it’s a Wii of course, I don’t mind those.

3. Pudding – even though I like eating it, it still makes me feel weird and slimy to say it.

2. Any sort of Charles Manson reference – ever since I read Helter Skelter, I have not been able to hear conversations about him or The Beatles or the sixties in the same way. This post is actually about him.

1. Heath Ledger – he’s a sore subject for me. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that he’s dead or the fact that he was in Brokeback Mountain. I wrote this poem about him.

1 comment:

  1. I don't use the word "boyfriend" when I can help it. Jacob and I prefer, favorite best friend or dearest friend. We need to find something shorter..but the words boy/girlfriend just seemed so silly. My roommate is convinced that this fact alone has doomed our relationship. (grin)
