Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekly Rituals

10. cleaning the bathroom at least once, hopefully twice

9. taking all of the stuff that has accumulated on the floor of my closet and flinging it across the room so that I have to put it away

8. archiving/deleting every e-mail in my inbox

7. hiding something important (usually keys) from myself

6. turning on some Brooke Fraser while eating anything I can find containing large amounts of sugar

5. spending ten minutes in child’s pose or bound pigeon pose while attempting to meditate

4. washing the dishes that have accumulated either on my desk or the shelf by my bed

3. going to church

2. discovering some new way to either shock or annoy my roommate (unintentionally, of course)

1. running around spraying my can of glade air freshener while singing really loudly


  1. I would just like to say.. I really enjoy reading you blog, Rachel.

  2. Why thank you my dear! Sometime next fall you simply have to come spend a weekend with me and we will re-hash all of our worldview days!
