Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's just been one of those days...

I need some catharsis...so this post is going to be a dumping ground for what all is in my head tonight.

I'm tired. My head has that muddled, fuzzy feeling it gets when it's about to demand sleep. I just woke up from a two hour nap that I'd hoped would alleviate that feeling...but it's still here.

Today I was sitting in one of my classes, when I had this moment of freaking out over being in college. It was the weirdest thing. I mean, I'm a sophomore. You'd think I would have gotten the childish, freaking out thing over with a year ago. Nope. It happened today.

I'm taking a contemporary poetry class this semester. The other night the reading assignment made me cry harder than I can ever remember crying. It shocked me because I didn't relate to the poet at all; I found myself clutching my book and sobbing and I wasn't even able to see myself in his words. I still don't really know what it was about him that made me feel so deeply. It seriously irritated me when today in class a girl ranted about how much his work disgusted her.

I'm reading the book of Romans. It's coming along very slowly. I realized that I tend to read like it's a marathon so I decided to start reading sections instead of chapters.

Well...this isn't doing the trick for me catharsis-wise, so I'm off to wander around or some other such thing...I'll leave you with some other wisdom I picked up from my poetry class:

This Life

By Kay Ryan

It's a pickle, this life.
Even shut down to a trickle
it carries every kind of particle
that causes strife on a grander scale:
to be miniature is to be swallowed
by a miniature whale. Zeno knew
the law that we know: no matter
how carefully diminished, a race
can only be half finished with success;
then comes the endless halving of the rest --
the ribbon's stalled approach, the helpless
red-faced urgings of the coach.

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