Sunday, September 18, 2011

So much for being social...

I'm feeling super angsty. I'm not sure if it's because I now have pink in my hair, thus rendering me more susceptible to hipster-like bouts of moodiness, or if it's the result of currently having my butt seriously kicked by a really nasty cold.

The angst is bad enough that I just managed to delete pretty much any form of social networking account that I have (or had, rather). Still have facebook...although that underwent a serious un-friending kamikaze. I also deleted all of my family members from the if you were one of them, sorry. (PS I'm phasing out facebook, so if you want to keep up with my posts you need to subscribe to my blog by e-mail or google reader, whichever one fits your fancy.)

I'm so tired of the noise. I'm so tired of being obsessed with people and places and things on the internet that really don't matter. The problem for me isn't really the internet. It's me. It's me not being content with the people who are sitting right in front of me. It's me not being happy with the place I'm at right now. It's me not allowing myself to relax for more than five seconds at a time because I feel like I need to be worrying about how I'm going to manage to get all of the stuff I want out of life.

I just want quiet - for my eyes, as well as my ears.

Hence all of the deletion.

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