Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No Longer in Love

So this post has been brewing in my mind for a while...

It all started when I read this comment on a Facebook post a week or two ago:

"We try so very hard to create perfection in our lives because we believe it will give us something more. In actuality, all we are doing is putting our imperfections on a pedestal. Sometimes, you just have to look at it and say, ”close enough”, and get on with life."

A few days before that I'd written my little rant about modern Christianity that if you missed you can read here. At the end of that post I talked about how I've changed since I first started blogging. And that I didn't really know how to describe that change, but that I just knew it had taken place. 

So when I read the above statement about perfection it got me's been a long time since I have been obsessively consumed with being perfect. I'm no longer in love with flawlessness.

If you're new around here then you've missed this postthis postthis postthis postthis post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, this post, and this post

Just kidding. I don't really expect you guys to read all seventeen of those. So I'll sum them up for you.

Basically all of them in some way ranted about my lack of perfection and my extreme desire to be completely and totally flawless. Looking back I can't believe how consumed with being perfect I was! I see the idolatry I committed over and over again by focusing fully on my flaws (Did you like my alliteration there?!?).

When I look back at my year and a half of posting I see a girl who has spent a long time being way too hard on herself. Introspection, conviction, and bettering oneself aren't wrong. But being imprisoned by guilt and the desire for perfection is.

How did my making myself miserable glorify GOD? How was I supposed to have the time and energy to focus on Him when I wasted all of that time and energy trying to be perfect? 

Now I've learned to strive for peace instead of perfection. Peace with GOD. Peace with the people in my life. Peace with myself. 

This is such a more beautiful place in life to be.


  1. Love your heart...hugs! Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 1 Peter 1:8

  2. I love how you ended this, you want to strive for peace instead of perfection. I think this is a great way to live you know... be in peace knowing that a perfect God has chosen you and loves you just the way you are, imperfect. and His plan is to perfect you, but while you get there, be still and in peace. hugs my dear.
